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About Me.

Hello again!


I'm Kyle, an Interactive Audio Designer and Implementer based in Jönköping, Sweden.


My audio career has been defined by open exploration. Starting as a professional trombonist, I performed in various bands and musical styles, from orchestras to Latin bands, rock bands to big bands, and even free jazz ensembles. I have collaborated with electronic musicians, designed my own trombone mutes, and experimented with running my trombone through a guitar pedal. I taught myself the drums, took lessons for the piano and guitar, and started producing electronic music over the pandemic.

After all this I was drawn to game audio as it offers one thing all the other forms of music (usually) can't: interactivity with the listener. I am fascinated by the amount of agency the player has over how they perceive and experience the audio design in a game.


This agency brings with it a whole host of problems and considerations unique to video games. How can we dynamically change the music to support the emotion of a given scene without breaking player immersion? What considerations and decisions can the composer, sound designer, audio implementer, and game designer make to support the overall interactive audio system and design? How can you make sure the player is not aurally overwhelmed but still getting all the important information they need in the middle of the action?


In my career I have sought to answer these questions and more. I have composed music specifically for video games, composing with layers and loops so that they are more easily put into an interactive system. I have created sound effects, blocking out frequency bands for certain effects to make sure they can be heard through the music and each other. I have implemented game audio, putting everything together with middleware and triggering sounds through code. I have created the final mix for projects, dynamically ducking and adding effects at runtime to create a clear and cohesive soundscape for the player. I have designed entire games, 'spotting' the game for where an interactive audio system can enhance the gameplay, and where the gameplay can enhance the audio system. This wide experience gives me a deep understanding of interactive audio and it's design.


My passion for interactive audio drives me to explore and push the boundaries of interactive audio in video games. I believe that the interactivity of games makes them unique, allowing for the engagement and immersion of it's audience in ways other media can only dream about. Audio is one half of any audio-visual experience, and video games are no exception.


Let's work together to bring your interactive audio visions to life.

Get in Touch

Please contact me with questions about interactive game audio or tell to tell me about your new project! You can use the form on the right or contact me directly using any of the links below.

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I look forward to hearing from you!

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